Firm Determinations and Making It Happen in 2011 and Beyond

For some reason, I have felt uncomfortable with the world "resolution." Maybe it's mental, since there is such pressure every New Year to make big changes and re-direct our lives off the path of So-So in order to barrel our way down the Lane of Success. For some people that pressure is motivating and it works for them, but for others, not so much. So in the spirit of productive pressure and making it happen in 2011 and beyond, I'd like to embrace the way of Firm Determinations. My specific Firm Determinations, with the aim of feeling better, looking better and getting healthier are:

1. Keep my desires/aspirations written down and take at least one action toward their fruition daily, and congratulate myself on each accomplishment.

2. Integrate monthly facials into my beauty regime. A facial is pampering and necessary care all wrapped up in one package. Yum!

3. Stop eating all flesh foods except seafood. The poultry section cheers while creatures of the sea jeer. I know, it's not fair. Eat wild-caught fish at a maximum of three times per week (already started along this path so "Yay, Me"). Keep an eye on my mercury intake.

4. Experiment with a week of raw foods for one week each month and take that time to also consciously purge emotional waste.

5. Get to bed by 10:00pm in order to wake by 4:30am for 30 minutes of cardio/yoga/weight training at least four times per week (get energized before heading to work and get exercise out of the way early).

6. Be consistent with my daily vitamin intake (multi, vitamins C/D/E, selenium, CoQ10, probiotic).

7. Devise a layered and chic uniform look for the work week, easing the burden of the morning hustle and bustle and regularly playing up my best features with my chosen "look".

8. Find as many easy recipes as possible for body-care products that I have in regular rotation. This will save money and give me greater control over the content of items that I frequently use. Share the recipes with all of you.

9. Develop a wider array of funky ready-to-wear hairstyles.

10. Cook multiple healthy meals for consumption during the week on Sunday, at least twice per month. Major money savings here when I can bring lunch and possibly breakfast to work. Who couldn't benefit from that?

Well, that is my list for the undertaking. What about you? Anything you've been meaning or dreaming to do? Share it and take the first step toward making it happen. :) Happy New Year, and many more!!!

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Mischo Beauty Pick: SolarOil by CND

And since we're on the subject of nails, don't you just love having a go-to product that never lets you down? Well CND's SolarOil is just that for me, especially with the weather we've had lately. As you can see, I've hunted down every bottle I have because I'm pretty sure I'll need it all for this year's winter season.

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Mischo Beauty Loves The Emerald Door

I had sparkly nails for Christmas (Zoya's Diana, layered with Delilah), compliments of The Emerald Door, and guess what? I loved them! My visit to the new eco-chic natural nail spa included a manicure and pedicure I'll never forget. Not only were the services thoroughly performed (remember I'm a licensed cosmetologist, so I'm super picky!), but all products are toxin-free, and sanitation/disinfection and overall cleanliness were excellent. The decor of this cozy nail spa is GORGEOUS, and because my appointment was on a Sunday, I was treated to a mimosa. I enjoyed my visit and can't wait to go back!

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Mischo Beauty Giveaway: Love & Glamour by Jennifer Lopez

I'm excited to be giving away Love & Glamour by Jennifer Lopez! Now you all know I'm a JLo fan, and the release of her new fragrance couldn't have come at a better time. She recently became L'Oreal Paris' newest spokesperson, in addition to starring (along with her twins) in an ad campaign for Gucci's new children's collection. Yes, she is on fire and I love it!

So to enter this giveaway, simply leave a comment below telling me your hopes, dreams and goals for 2011! This giveaway is open until Friday, December 31st (11:59pm). A winner will be chosen at random and must contact me within 24 hours of the announcement. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

Disclosure: Products in this post were provided for consideration by the company. For more information, please see my disclosure.

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Ask Mischo Beauty...

This week's question comes from reader, nikhelw, who asked the following:

"So what can I do about these stubborn blackheads? I've had it!"

Well, lets first understand what exactly blackheads are! So blackheads, technically called "open comedones", are simply a build up of hardened oil and dead skin cells in a hair follicle. When the hair follicle is exposed to oxygen, it oxidizes and turns black- therefore the name "blackhead". Usually they're present on oily skin or skin types with an oily t-zone.

Here are a few ways to prevent them:

1. A consistent skincare regimen is key!
2. Use skincare products with noncomedogenic ingredients (will prevent pores from clogging).
3. Incorporate an exfoliant into your skincare regimen (will remove dead skin cells).
4. Incorporate a "clay-based" mask into your skincare regimen (will draw excess oil out of follicle).
5. Incorporate facials, by an esthetician, into your skincare regimen (the benefits are countless!).

And most importantly- again, a consistent skincare regimen is key! I hope this helps. Please stop back by and let us know how you choose to move forward, as well as what works for you. Love your skin.

If you have beauty questions you'd like answered, please send them to

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Mischo Beauty Wishes You a Beautiful Christmas and a Glamorous New Year!

Merry Christmas, everyone! Thank you all so much for your support. I wish you peace, love and happiness during this holiday season.

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Mischo Beauty Giveaway Winner: Elizabeth Arden's Pretty Scent & Eight Hour Hand & Body Treatments

And so without further delay, I'm happy to announce that the winner is:

Lisa K.

A very special thank you to everyone who entered!

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Sexy Hair Fascinations

Hats, caps and fascinators - all accoutrement of women who have something to say that clothes and makeup cannot articulate alone. Among the many choices, my favorites are hair fascinators and other ornate hair clips that accessorize a formal look or take an ordinary outfit and spin it into fabulous (like the amazing mesh hair piece above by hair accessory maestro Colette Malouf). Depending on the style and materials you choose, the prices run from inexpensive ($10-20) to pricey, like this or that one-of-a-kind piece, both available on With smart decisions in sizing and style, you are bound to have tongues wagging as you work this look, so be ready!

The hair fascinator, an accessory that is not quite hat and not quite jewelry, dates back to 17th century England, where it was worn primarily by women in the privileged classes and known for ornate, sometimes even garish design. Their use has waned and rebounded over the years, and now they seem to be back in vogue (not that you should ever let that dictate your own use). Although some styles, as above by Designs by Annalisa, are for formal occasions, there are also more wearable options that can be worn at less formal social events or about town when dressed to impress. New Year's Eve is right around the corner and offers the perfect opportunity to break out your fascinator and dazzle the crowd from every angle! Although Etsy has got countless options to choose from, Boutique de Bandeaux is an excellent place to start your search, especially if your hair is lusciously thick.

There may not be enough time between now and New Year's Eve to order a kit and make your own fascinator or hair piece (yes, you can DIY!), but it is possible to order rush delivery online or visit a local milliner's shop to browse and make a purchase. Be daring and give it a try!

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Another Way to Look, Another Way to See

What is better than a grandmother's wisdom? Not much. My sassy Grand Lady dresses sharp as a tack with a wit to match. I've been a major fan of her personal style and daring approach to life since forever, so I was quite excited to hear what beauty advice she would have for me and was surprised by what she, at first, had to say.

"I have no advice to give," she told me. This was unbelievable from a woman whose public face is always impeccably and minimally made; whose clothes always suit her frame and communicate well her conservative yet saucy personality; and whose well-groomed, curly, silvery-gray pixie is never out of place. She had to have something valuable to say.

She assured me that her lifelong dedication to smoothing on vaseline and wearing socks at night had produced bunion-less and corn-less feet which her podiatrist lauds as the smoothest he's ever seen. How's that for a good selling point? But, she went on, her face is unrecognizable to her now, as she ages and continues to bounce back from a go with chemotherapy due to her second bout with breast cancer over a year ago. Thankfully, since she has always had a healthy lifestyle and been a stickler for regular medical checkups (early detection is one of the best protections, ladies) her cancers were each found at an early stage. Despite it all, she is still one of the most beautiful people I know. She is now building a new relationship with her body and growing used to the changes in her physical and spiritual selves, so when I pressed her and asked what she would tell my niece, her great granddaughter, if she asked for her advice, she stopped and took a moment to think.

"Work hard, play hard and have pride in yourself." Pride is very important because it will motivate you to keep yourself up. "When you have problems, don't wear them on your sleeve. Put makeup on, a nice outfit and walk out the door with your head held high, even if your heart is breaking." My breath paused in my chest as I felt the ghosts of past hurt, disappointment and pain floating underneath her words. Wow. Thank you, Grandmom. This way of looking at, of seeing, the immaculately put-together and fiery woman I have looked up to my entire life, took more than the attention of a fleeting glance. I thought of the many guises our public mask can take. It can communicate, as "Azucar & Especial" commented in another post, who you are/what you believe on the inside, or it can, as my grandmother points out, be an exercise in hope- a fake-it-to-make-it inspired act toward the fruition of a healthier, happier, and more confident You. The use of cosmetics and beauty accessories can be a proclamation of aspiration, a performance of capability and wholeness that may or may not reflect the current reality.

I am better for having asked my illustrious Grandmom for her advice, and I hope she feels better for having shared it. Have you chatted with your grandmom or grandmother-figure today? There's no better time than now.

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Mischo Beauty Pick: Calvin Klein Beauty & Euphoria Fragrances

Hopefully you're not like me and you've actually finished your Christmas shopping! Though I'm dreading the thought of the crowds, there are people on my list that I just can't miss! Now if you have to shop for individuals who love fragrances, then you should definitely consider visiting a cosmetic counter and be sure to check out Calvin Klein's collection of fragrances.

New for the holidays is Calvin Klein Beauty (perfect for daytime), along with Calvin Klein Euphoria (for nighttime festivities) and Calvin Klein Euphoria Men (can't forget the men in our lives!). And just so you know, for a limited time only (until December 31st) - receive a complimentary box of chocolates with every Calvin Klein Euphoria purchase from Macy's. I love the bonus of the added chocolates!

Disclosure: Products in this post were provided for consideration by the company. For more information, please see my disclosure.

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Mischo Beauty Challenge Update: "A Healthy, Sexy & Beautiful 2010"

I'm quickly checking in to find out how everyone is doing with the challenge. I'll be the first to admit that it's been rough for me - well especially since the beginning of the holiday season. I haven't given up, and my daily goal is still to get in the minimum 10,000 steps and 96oz of water. I was recently introduced to Twist organic water, and thought those of you who have issues with the daily recommended 8 glasses of water should definitely check it out!

Twist organic water is low-calorie, non-carbonated, preservative-free and available in six fruit flavors (Mango Acai, Mandarin White Tea, Lemon, Wild Strawberry, Pomegranate Blueberry & West Indies Lime). And I must admit- I'm shocked at how good they taste! I think they're worth checking out if they help with increasing your daily water intake. Would love to know your thoughts!

Disclosure: Products in this post were provided for consideration by the company. For more information, please see my disclosure.

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Mischo Beauty Giveaway: Elizabeth Arden's Pretty Scent & Eight Hour Hand & Body Treatments

Just in time for the holidays, we've partnered with Elizabeth Arden to give away their feminine floral fragrance, Pretty, which is now available in a special limited edition flower strewn bottle. We're also giving away their Eight Hour Cream Intensive Moisturizing Hand Treatment (which has a huge cult following!) and the Eight Hour Cream Intensive Moisturizing Body Treatment. One reader will win all three!

To enter this giveaway, simply leave a comment below telling me how you're planning to give back this holiday season. This giveaway is open until Friday, December 24th (11:59pm). A winner will be chosen at random and must contact me within 24 hours of the announcement. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

Disclosure: Products in this post were provided for consideration by the company. For more information, please see my disclosure.

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Ask Mischo Beauty...

This week's question comes from a follower on Twitter, who asked the following:

"What does the #HealthySexyBeautiful2010 hashtag mean? Why do you use it?"

I use the hashtag every time I tweet something related to the "A Healthy, Sexy & Beautiful 2010" challenge I started last year. I not only discuss external beauty on this blog, but internal beauty as well. I love educating you on the health of your hair, skin and nails and I want to be a source of motivation and encourage you to take care of yourself internally as well. And so the challenge was born!

I use the hashtag when I'm tweeting the things I'm doing daily to keep fit and healthy. I also try to post weekly updates on the blog. This was never a "weight-loss" challenge, but more of a "get fit" or "lifestyle change" challenge. If you lose weight, and that's your goal, then great.

And my disclaimer has always been that I am not a dietitian, nutritionist, or a medical doctor- so always seek the advice of your doctor! That's pretty much it. I plan to continue the challenge into 2011 and will be using the #HealthySexyBeautiful2011 hashtag, so please stay tuned!

If you have beauty questions you'd like answered, please send them to

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Mischo Beauty: Be Your Own Dream Girl

If you read the follow-up post on the "Team Beauty Presents... Win Your OWN Product Line!" contest, then you know- as promised- that I'm checking in once again to remind you to get entered! So you've submitted a video entry, right? Please let me know! I also wanted to share with you the motivational piece below in hopes that it moves you the way it's always moved me. Enjoy.

Dare To Dream. The main thing that keeps an objective out of reach is your assumption that you cannot reach it. You're able to do precisely what you expect to be able to do. Are there dreams that you dare not to dream because you've decided that you cannot attain them? If so, then your negative expectation has become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Before you abandon or downgrade your most treasured dreams, consider this. When your goal is personally meaningful and compelling, you can achieve it, whatever it may be.

You are never too old or too young, too rich or too poor, to direct the energy of your life toward a compelling objective. Life is about making a difference, and that's something you can do no matter what your circumstances may be. There is somewhere you truly wish to go, something you sincerely desire to achieve, right this very moment. Take the time to find it, commit yourself to it, and make the effort to make it happen. Your dreams represent some of the most valuable gifts you have to give to life. Dare to dream, and allow the best of who you are to be fully expressed.

-Ralph Marston

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Team Beauty Presents... Win Your OWN Product Line!

As promised, here's the follow-up and highly anticipated details of the "Team Beauty Presents... Win Your OWN Product Line!" contest. Watch this video, and it will explain all of the submission requirements. This is an AMAZING opportunity and you seriously can not miss out on it! I'm a Media Partner, but most importantly I BELIEVE in this opportunity (I'd enter the contest if I could!), so I'll be checking in to remind you all to send in your submissions. Take advantage of this amazing opportunity!

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Mischo Beauty School: Understanding Your Hair Type (A Lesson from Andre Walker)

If you watched Oprah's "Ultimate Favorite Things" show a few weeks ago, then you know by now that her hairstylist, Andre Walker, has finally released a collection of hair care products which are formulated to work with all hair types and textures. Well, I'm dying to try them and as soon as I do, I'll let you know my thoughts!

But in the meantime, I wanted to share with you all a post on "hair types" from almost two years ago. I was first introduced to the concept after reading through a few hair forums. Yes, I'm a licensed cosmetologist, but I'd never heard the term - neither in cosmetology school, or in any of my cosmetology textbooks. I guess the closest to what I'd learned about "hair type" was hair texture.

A reader asked a question about hair types here, and I followed up with this post. Andre is credited with originating this term and in his book "Andre Talks Hair!", he states the following:

"Stop reading fashion magazines that tell you there's just one hair type if you're African-American, Asian, or whatever. Forget about race- there's no such thing as "black" hair or "Asian" hair or even "Caucasian" hair. And, please, please, please, let's retire forever those antiquated stereotypes about "good" hair versus "bad" hair. The fact is, everyone has "good" hair - you just have to know how to take care of your hair type."

And so he goes on to break hair type down into the following categories (there are subtypes within each category, such as A, B, C, etc.):

Type 1: Straight Hair: Hair holds no curl or wave, but has lots of shine.

Type 2: Wavy Hair: Hair tends to be coarse, with a definite "S" shape pattern.

Type 3: Curly Hair: Hair is very fine in texture; definite loopy "S" pattern.

Type 4: Kinky Hair: Hair is very fragile; very tightly coiled/curled.

Ok, so there you have it- according to Andre! Now the book is full of tips on solving hair issues, finding the right stylist, choosing a haircut and a whole lot more. I definitely recommend checking it out!

Any questions? Love your hair.

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Mischo Beauty Giveaway Winner: Kiss My Face Peace Holiday Collection

And so without further delay, I'm happy to announce that the winner is:


A very special thank you to everyone who entered!

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Ask Mischo Beauty...

This week's question comes from Habibah, who asked the following:

"What tips/advice would you give to stop nail biting?"

I really wish I had the perfect answer for you! Nail biting is a hard habit to break. You should try to first determine the reason for the nail biting - which might mean seeing a dermatologist. Also, keep in mind the germs/bacteria you're passing back and forth between your nails/fingers and your mouth and the potential of infection!

I asked my friend Shalon, who is a licensed esthetician and manicurist, to share her best tips for preventing nail biting:

- Try to get weekly manicures. Keeping your nails neat and groomed may prevent you from trying to "groom" them yourself.

- If weekly manicures aren't in your budget, keep your nails polished. Knowing that you will mess up your polish may keep you from biting your nails.

- Keep a cuticle cream or oil (Kiehl's Cuticle Cream or OPI's Cuticle Oil) in your purse. This will help with nail growth. Once you see growth, hopefully this will discourage you from biting your nails.

I hope this helps. Please stop back by and let us know how you choose to move forward, as well as what works for you. Love your nails.

If you have beauty questions you'd like answered, please send them to

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Mischo Beauty Alert: The Emerald Door Natural Nail Spa Grand Opening

For those of you in the DC/MD/VA area - or coming this way soon, The Emerald Door is a new eco-chic natural nail spa which will celebrate their grand opening weekend by hosting "Mimosa and Manicures" this Sunday, December 12th from 11am - 5pm. They're giving guests a free express manicure with the purchase of a pedicure treatment- or, an upgrade to a full Cream Manicure for only $10. A portion of the sales will benefit Charity Water.

You're invited to book an appointment by calling 301.587.5800 or by sending an email to Unfortunately I'll miss this grand opening event, but I'll be there the following Sunday for a manicure and pedicure. Can't wait!

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Mischo Beauty's Top Holiday Nail Color Picks featured on!

I was given the opportunity to share my top holiday nail color picks over on the fabulous Check them out and be sure to let me know what you think. I hope you love them as much as I do! Happy Holidays.

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Mischo Beauty School: Facial Masks 101

As a follow-up to the question I answered earlier this week on mask types, I thought I'd repost this lesson on masks. A great mask can do wonders for the skin. Masks are designed as an intensive treatment for different skin needs/issues. Generally, there are two types of masks: setting masks and non-setting masks.

Setting masks, which normally use clay as their base, harden and dry and absorb oil and remove dead skin cells. Non-setting masks are for dry or sensitive skin and are primarily moisturizing and soothing. Benefits of masks include the following:

1. Tighten and tone the skin
2. Draw impurities out of the pores
3. Clear up blemishes
4. Hydrate
5. Nourish
6. Calm and soothe
7. Rejuvenate the skin

Now that the weather is seriously cold and dry (at least in the midwest and east coast), consider investing in a non-setting mask (if it works for your skin type) which will keep your skin nourished and hydrated throughout the winter season! Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions. Love your skin.

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The Russians are Coming...Russian Red that is!

I've always wanted to rock a red lip, but am so addicted to neutrals that it almost never happens. I wore a red lipcolor to my senior prom - a bold move by my 17 year-old self, and it looked fabulous! I was inspired to experiment with the color anew after meeting Chrisette Michele and admiring her amazing makeup job.

I discovered that her shade of the moment is MAC's Lady Danger, and it's a beauty. Well, after coveting her red lip, I just had to make it happen for myself. Luckily for me there was a makeup artist on hand at the event who was on the ready to rouge me up. She used MAC lipstick in Russian Red, and a couple of days later, I got my hands on a tube of my own.

Check me out with my Russian Red lip, lined with Shiseido's Smoothing Lip Pencil.

Rouge it up, y'all! -Zee

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Mischo's Mistletoe Beauty Guide

As much as I love sharing beauty education with you all (yes, that's what this blog is all about!), it's time to have some fun. It's my favorite time of the year, which means it's time for the second annual "Mischo's Mistletoe Beauty Guide". Like last year, this guide is all about achieving that "kiss me under the mistletoe" look with gorgeous hair, skin, nails and makeup. So let's begin.

With all the hustle and bustle associated with the holiday season, you owe yourself the gift of rest and relaxation. We mentioned the Guerlain Spa at The Waldorf-Astoria earlier this year and felt it only appropriate to include it in this guide. The spa menu includes body treatments, facials, manicures & pedicures, massages and makeup. And, the Sublime Deluxe treatment, well it has to be heaven on earth! You've added a visit here to your with list, right?

Healthy skin is beautiful skin. So if you're investing in facial treatments or if you're starting a skincare regimen, then we feel that you should invest in our favorite beauty tool, the Clarisonic Skincare Brush. The most important step in a skincare regimen is cleansing because it removes makeup, dirt, oil, product build-up and dead skin cells. Our favorite beauty tip is encouraging readers to cleanse both morning and night, and Clarisonic helps to ensure a deep, thorough and gentle cleansing.

We included La Mer in last year's guide because we love it so much! It is luxury skincare at its best. Consider incorporating the Miraculous Beginnings Collection, exclusively available at Saks Fifth Avenue, into your current skincare regimen.

Remember YSL Beauty's release of their fall collection of nail colors earlier this year? Well, we're STILL in love with them and feel the shades are perfect for the holiday season.

The Shu Uemura Art of Hair collection of products originally knocked us off of our feet and blew us away. We still love them because they're continually innovating. Not only is there a collection of products for every hair type, but there are also in-salon "hair beauty ceremonies" which are customized to meet your hair's specific needs.

So this guide is really about achieving the most kissable lips, right! And because that's the case, the Tom Ford Private Blend Lip Color Collection speaks for itself. All we have to say is, we'll take one of each shade! Kissable lips are worth it, right?!

Our beauty picks could go on forever and ever, but what we really want for the holidays - well, besides all the kisses we can get while under the mistletoe - are love, peace and happiness!

So, which of the above are you adding to your wish lists!

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Ask Mischo Beauty...

This week's question comes from my sister, Allison, who asked the following:

"What's your favorite facial mask and why?"

In all honesty, I've had the opportunity to use a variety of facial masks that have worked well for me (I have combination skin), and what's really most important when selecting a mask is knowing your skin type. Generally, there are two types of masks - setting masks and non-setting masks. Setting masks, which normally use clay as their base - harden, dry, absorb oil and remove dead skin cells. They're recommended for oily, combination and acneic skin types.

Non-setting masks should be used on normal, dry or sensitive skin and are primarily nourishing, hydrating and soothing. An example of a non-setting mask would be a gel mask. Benefits of masks include some of the following:

- Tighten and tone the skin
- Draw impurities out of the pores
- Assist in clearing of blemishes
- Hydrate & nourish the skin
- Calm & soothe the skin

And to further answer your question - know that I'm not brand loyal and that I personally use a combination of both mask types. I use a setting mask on my oily t-zone and a non-setting mask everywhere else. So there you have it!

I hope this helps. Please stop back by and let us know how you choose to move forward, as well as what works for you. Love your skin.

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Mischo Beauty Giveaway: Kiss My Face Peace Holiday Collection

We've partnered with Kiss My Face to give away their Peace Holiday Collection. Available in four scents (grassy mint, lemongrass clary sage, pomegranate acai & lavender mandarin), the collection features the new 100% natural all-purpose castile soap in a liquid form and also a foaming hand soap. 10% of the profits from the sale of the collection will support Seeds of Peace, an organization that brings together teens from countries of conflict.

One reader will win the Peace Holiday Collection, along with a soy wax Peace Candle. To enter this giveaway, simply leave a comment below telling me what you're thankful for. This giveaway is open until next Friday, December 10th (11:59pm). A winner will be chosen at random and must contact me within 24 hours of the announcement. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

Disclosure: Products in this post were provided for consideration by the company. For more information, please see my disclosure.

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Mischo Beauty Pick: Supermodels by Nude Skincare

It's not what you think! The "Supermodels" are actually the very best of Nude Skincare's top selling cult favorites which are packaged together in a kit to "transform and revitalize" your skin - if used consistently. The set includes:

- Cleansing Facial Oil
- Moisturizing Body Cream
- Advanced Eye Complex
- Age Defence Moisturizer
- Replenishing Night Oil
- Miracle Mask

Now can I just tell you how much I'm loving this kit? I've finally gotten a chance to use it consistently for the past few weeks and I've used the Cleansing Facial Oil, Advanced Eye Cream and Replenishing Night Oil down to the very last drop! This kit, along with the Advanced Cellular Renewal Serum (yes, I believe in serums!) have all given me life! It's kept my skin clear and I love waking up looking refreshed (thanks to the Replenishing Night Oil) - even when I've only had a few hours of sleep! You all know I swear by consistent skincare regimens because how else will you ever see the results you desire?

Knowing your skin type and using products specific to it, really are the key! If you're wanting to start a regimen or are curious about Nude Skincare, then the Supermodel kit is a great introduction to their best products and possibly a wonderful start to mastering a consistent skincare regimen.

Have you tried Nude Skincare?

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Team Beauty Presents... Win Your OWN Product Line!

When we heard that our favorite beauty boutique, GEORGIA had teamed up with vlogger, Taren916 to give you an opportunity to realize your dreams, we immediately jumped on the opportunity to support this initiative. They're giving one lucky female entrepreneur the opportunity to create their very own beauty line! Now is that not an AMAZING opportunity or what! You will find the contest requirements by visiting Taren916's YouTube channel here. And just so you know, we've signed on to be a Media Partner, so we'll be checking in to remind you all to get entered. Stay tuned for more blog posts, tweets, Facebook updates - we'll basically do all that we can to encourage you to take advantage of this amazing opportunity! So what are you waiting for? Get over to Taren916's channel and get entered to win!

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Beauty Is As Beauty Does...It's True

As a child, I remember being entranced by my mom's beauty rituals -- my two sisters and I would sit outside her open bathroom door watching her go through the many stages of transformation until, VOILA, our Glamour Mama emerged. She has always been deft with a sponge and wore the most intense expression while applying her face which let us know that, clearly, this was serious work. We were always fascinated by her many looks: those pinkish red lips, Cleopatra-lined eyes, the punchy layer of blush, pop of shadow and her perfectly curled and teased hair.

You know that as soon as she left the house, we were rifling under the sink and in the cabinets, digging all through her makeup bag and making each other up, with the earnest stone-face that was apparently required. My youngest sister was always the guinea pig, and hardly ever the makeup artist. I remember a set of particularly horrendous eyebrows that I once gave her, before I learned the meaning of a light touch. Let's just say that it was NOT becoming. She loved the attention though and the mandatory strut up and down the hallway that always came afterward. It obviously left a deep impression, since she has become the makeup expert among the three of us sisters today.

Like many black women may, I also remember the smell and the sizzle of the hot comb and that green hair grease that seemed to be the press-and-curl secret weapon. I can smell it right now, just thinking about it! And there was that unfortunate time when a small section of my hair was burned to a sickly yellow color by the too-hot hot comb. No good at all. These memories though, are not about fashion, or looking "foine" (except maybe for my sister's strut up and down the hallway/runway); they are about identifying with family/community and find space as a woman-to-be via the practice of beauty rituals.

Contributing to Mischo Beauty offers me an exciting challenge. In order to share my opinions, I need a full awareness of my take on the many aspects of what we call Beauty and the best and most empowering ways to enhance it. I was thinking about this a couple of weekends ago after I visited the Studio Museum in Harlem, a cultural treasure that is a must-see for anyone visiting New York City. Among the many works up for view is "Me Broni Ba," a short film piece by Ghanaian-American filmmaker Akosua Adoma Owusu. In the film she examines hair, not through the lens of fashion, but as it embodies identity and culture, belonging and not belonging. I think these are issues many, if not all, of us face in our day-to-day choices of how to present ourselves, and it really illustrated the complexity of finding one's own perspective on personal beauty and acceptance in the larger world. Eureka... an unexpected moment of beauty-related inspiration at the museum! Her rotation in the VideoStudio will end on December 11th, so hurry if you want to check it out. I would truly love to hear what you think!

I've often heard that beauty is as beauty does. I think that statement relates deeply to what it means to be consciously beautiful. Consciousness is not necessarily all-natural, but knowledgeable. For me, it means making informed choices and being purposeful in our actions. It means thinking about what motivates each of us as we transform ourselves into the characters that we want to present to the world. What is it about a well-made face and laid out hair that takes our confidence and performance to another level? What is the source of that power? It has to be more than product. What I want to know is, what kind of Conscious Beauty are you? -Zee

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Mischo Beauty Loves NARS Bento Box Set

Earlier today, Saks invited their top 25 bloggers to attend a breakfast to celebrate the upcoming launch of the Saks POV Blog and to preview their top 25 holiday gifts. I was honored to have been invited and of course didn't miss it! The morning started off on the dreary side due to the windy rain storm outside, but quickly brightened up once the breakfast began. The highlight of the morning for me (remember I'm a beauty girl!) was definitely NARS' Bento Box Set. After being given the opportunity to try a combination of the lipsticks (Maiko - the red & Sakura - the pink) on, my whole mood was seriously transformed. It is a FIERCE lippie, and not for those who are shy! It's a must-have and is now officially on my wish list. What do you think?

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