Mischo Beauty Loves DECLÉOR

I've got the worst case of spring fever- seriously! I now, finally, really understand the purpose of "spring break", and I need one now!!! But, what's been saving me as of late is the regimen of Decleor products (Aroma Night, Nutridivine, Aromessence Rose D'Orient and Harmonie Calm Comforting Milky Gel-Cream Mask) I've been using daily, as well as during my mini-facials. My favorite product of the group- well, it's actually a tie between the Aromessence Rose D'Orient (it's a serum I've been using at night and my skin loves me for it in the morning) and the Harmonie Calm Comforting Milky Gel-Cream Mask (smells good, feels good on and it's extremely nourishing- a must during my mini-facial). They're all definitely worth checking out!

Disclosure: Products in this post were provided for consideration by the company. For more information, please see my disclosure.

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Mischo Beauty Challenge Update: "A Healthy, Sexy & Beautiful 2011"

I have this tiny confession to make, well it's actually a big deal and I'm embarrassed. You see I have this slight addiction to Diet Coke (booooooo!) and I'm determined to get over it. It's a bad addiction, believe me, I know! And with as much water as I drink, you'd think it would be the last thing that I reached for, but it's not. So in an effort to get over it and move on, I've been drinking Perrier. You get the carbonation and fizz, without the rest of the bad stuff. Give me thirty days - I'm determined to win!

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Ask Mischo Beauty...

This week's question comes from a reader, who asked the following:

"I just wanted to know if you have any suggestions on what I can do about the dark spots on my face. How can I get rid of them without a chemical peel?"

I could recommend a variety of products to treat your dark spots - called hyperpigmentation, but we really need to get to the bottom of WHY it's happening in the FIRST place! Do you follow a skincare regimen? Have you been consistent with your skincare regimen? Are you using the correct products for your skin type? Is something internal causing the dark spots? Are you allergic to certain ingredients in the products you're using? Do you have sensitive skin?

Ask yourself those questions and be honest with your answers! I'd also recommend a visit to the Dermatologist before you spend money on products! What works for one person, may not necessarily work for you. Your doctor should be able to help you get to the bottom of why this is happening, as well as give you proper direction on how to prevent it. I believe in prevention- first and foremost!

Once you've seen a Dermatologist and have been properly advised, I'd recommend that you start following a consistent skincare regimen using products specifically for your skin type/conditions. And, if you're able to- start investing in monthly facials! As I'm sure you've read on my blog, I BELIEVE in facials for so many beneficial reasons!

I hope this helps. Please stop back by and let us know how you decide to move forward!

If you have beauty questions you'd like answered, please send them to mischobeauty@gmail.com.

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Team Beauty Presents... Win Your OWN Product Line Winner!

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Relax those Tresses with Hair Dew

Does your hair need to relax? Well, there's a new creamy crack in town, good people. I've got a bunch of folks in my family jonesing and I bet you could use a dose too. What are we addicted to? Hair Dew. This lightweight, leave-in moisturizer from the team over at Oyin Handmade will leave your hair cooing with satisfaction while looking its Sunday-best, every day of the week.

I have used the Dew on my soaking wet hair right after washing and conditioning, as well as on my air dried hair, both as primary moisturizer and to control frizziness for a slicked back pony or bun. It has done me right in each of those scenarios, but perhaps more impressively, it has stood up to the Four Niece Test. I have four nieces, each with a different texture, from fine and potentially limp to very dense and coarse.

The Dew was the perfect pre-styling cream for their braids, afro-puffs and ponytails, leaving their hair pliable and less prone to breakage. A major selling point for using it on the kiddies, and yourself, is the absence of mineral, paraffin or petroleum oils in the leave-in's formula. Needless to say (though I'll go ahead and say it anyway), my sister managed to convince me to leave my 16 oz bottle with her. Good for them, though not so hot for me as my hair anxiously awaits its next fix!

Have any of you given Hair Dew a try? Let us know what you think.

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Mischo Beauty School: Hair Conditioners 101

So which conditioner should you buy? I'm asked this question on almost a weekly basis and it really depends on the condition and texture of your hair. Your stylist will know when to use an instant conditioner for detangling only or when to use a moisturizing or protein conditioning treatment. Let's understand the differences:

1. Instant conditioners (often called rinses), are left on for only a few minutes, smooth the hair's cuticle which should ultimately detangle the hair.

2. Moisturizing conditioners, which are allowed to work for 10-20 minutes, restore moisture to the hair, balance the hair's pH, and smooth/coat the hair shaft resulting in control and shine.

3. Protein conditioners are used to strengthen hair and repair split ends. They are formulated to replace the protein lost in the hair and should only be used according to the manufacturer's directions. Improper use may result in breakage.

Any questions? Love your hair.

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Mischo Beauty Pick: Terax Life Drops Leave-in Protein Conditioner

My hair has been bouncin' and behavin' since I used the Terax regimen of products (Miele Hydrating Shampoo, Life Drops, Hydrate Botanical and Gloss) I tweeted about this past Sunday evening. My favorite of the products I used was the leave-in protein conditioner, Life Drops. You see, I've been chemical-free since October and I have type 4 hair, so I've been dealing with breakage, shedding and dryness. So, this leave-in treatment really was instant TLC and my hair responded immediately. Yes I love it, and yes, I recommend it!

Disclosure: Products in this post were provided for consideration by the company. For more information, please see my disclosure.

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Mischo Beauty Challenge Update: "A Healthy, Sexy & Beautiful 2011"

These little Emergen-C packets have been little lifesavers for me as of late. Just when I think I'm cold-free/flu-fee I begin to feel a little something coming on and I immediately- without hesitation- reach for these! They work - so much so I've been buying them by the box. On another note, has anyone tried the "Bobble" - the water bottle with a built in filter? Also, does anyone own any Tracy Anderson DVD's? Would love to know your thoughts! Finally, I'd like to encourage you to make a donation to the American Red Cross in support of the disaster relief efforts to help those in Japan and throughout the Pacific.

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Ask Mischo Beauty...

This week's question comes from a reader, who asked the following:

"So I heard that if you're in a crunch and have run out of facial cleanser you can use extra virgin olive oil as a facial cleanser. Is this true? I would think that using an oil to cleanse your face could potentially clog your pores but I am aware of the moisturizing qualities of extra virgin olive oil as well..."

While I don't use this method, I have heard that others love it and swear by it. I think the key is knowing your skin type and skin conditions and using products specifically formulated for it. So if extra virgin olive oil works for you, then use it. And, if you don't have a consistent skincare regimen, there's no better time than now to get started.

Now with that said , the most important step in a skincare regimen, in my opinion, is cleansing. It really is the foundation for healthy skin because it removes makeup, dirt, oil and dead skin cells. And again, my best suggestion is to cleanse your skin with a cleanser specifically formulated for your skin type and skin conditions both morning and night- and be sure to continue on with the remainder of your skincare regimen.

I hope this helps. Please stop back by and let us know how you decide to move forward! And as always, please feel free to send me any additional questions you might have. Love your skin.

If you have beauty questions you'd like answered, please send them to mischobeauty@gmail.com.

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Go Deep with Hourglass Aura Lip Stain

For those of you who, like me, have been on the hunt for a red lip that is appropriate even in a conservative work space, Hourglass Cosmetics has delivered the goods. Their Aura Lip Stain in Scarlet is quickly becoming my go-to shade when I want to appear pepped-up and ready to go. Its sheer, water-based color allows me the ultimate in control over my final look.

I use fewer layers during the day, which results in semi-matte berry/plum kissed lips that enliven my face, while I go deeper at night, with more layers and a gloss topper, to achieve a sexy scarlet. I love this color. Beware though, that any imperfection will show, so if in doubt, exfoliate those lips before using.

While Scarlet was perfect for me, Hourglass does not offer a wide range of colors in this product, so you may want to purchase in person, where you can match the shade against your skin and not have to worry about the hassle of a return. Thus far, the palette includes Scarlet, Flush and Petal. A great selling point? The lip stain is free of parabens/sulfates/synthetic fragrances/phthalates/GMOx/triclosan. Now those are "freedoms" I can get behind!

Disclosure: Products in this post were provided for consideration by the company. For more information, please see my disclosure.

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Mischo Beauty School: Eye Creams 101

I receive emails pretty frequently regarding the use of eye creams and they're usually concerning the following issues:

- Anti-aging
- Dark Circles
- Wrinkles
- Puffiness

Now in addressing the concerns above, I have to tell you that I'm a believer in taking care of oneself internally first, therefore reaping the benefits externally. So don't ever count out the invaluable benefits of adequate sleep, a diet rich in leafy greens, a multivitamin, and water- all of which I've discussed before.

If you're searching for a targeted treatment to address any of the concerns above- I'll share with you my best advice I've been giving out since starting this blog- and it is:

"Buy products formulated for your specific skin type/need/issue."

We all know that every brand makes an eye cream, so what I will suggest is that you start using the eye cream you choose consistently in order to really see/know if it works! Finding what works for you involves trial and error and consistent use for a minimum of 30 days (in my opinion).

Remember, for best results, eye creams should be applied to cleansed skin both morning and night, using your ring finger (the skin under the eye area is the thinnest skin on the body, which means you should use your weakest finger to apply product to that delicate area) before applying other products.

If there is an eye cream you're in love with, then let me know what it is and why!

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Mischo Beauty Loves Clarisonic Opal

I've mentioned my love for the Clarisonic Skincare Brush like a million times, so it's only natural that I share with you all how much I'm loving the Clarisonic Opal. It's a new beauty tool by Clarisonic that uses the "sonic technology" to infuse it's anti-aging sea serum into the skin. It's great for those with fine lines and wrinkles around the eye area - whatever the age, whatever the reason! And for those of you with great skin- well, it's a must-have prevention tool (think hydration and nourishment). I use this a few times a week and it's now a part of my weekly mini-facial regimen. Love it!

Disclosure: Products in this post were provided for consideration by the company. For more information, please see my disclosure.

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Mischo Beauty Challenge Update: "A Healthy, Sexy & Beautiful 2011"

I have to let you all in on a little secret. When I don't have fruits, vegetables or nuts readily available to snack on during the day (well, when I'm at work), I love snacking on Cheerios. How old am I, again? LOL. Sometimes I'll eat them dry, or add milk and a banana. Either way, they're good and usually hit the spot without leaving me feeling guilty. What about you? What are your favorite snack foods?

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Ask Mischo Beauty...

This week's question comes from a reader, who asked the following:

"I have thin hair and when it gets wet it will get VERY curly, is there a product that can loosen my curls? Maybe like a relaxer?"

Well, a relaxer will straighten your hair permanently, so you'll want to stay away from it. But, a texturizer (which is just the mildest form of a relaxer) will loosen your curl pattern - if applied correctly. But, before rushing out for a texturizer, I'd recommend that you try the following curl enhancing products which are recommended for curly hair types:

- Aveda Be Curly Curl Enhancer
- Miss Jessie's Curly Pudding
- Frederic Fekkai Luscious Curls Cream
- Moroccanoil Intense Curl Cream
- Redken Ringlet 07

Now I don't have curly hair, so my recommendations are from those I know who do and who basically swear by the products listed above! I hope this helps. Please stop back by and let us know how you decide to move forward! And as always, please feel free to send me any additional questions you might have. Love your skin.

If you have beauty questions you'd like answered, please send them to mischobeauty@gmail.com.

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Mischo Beautyliciousness...

This is late, I know. I wasn't really into the Oscars this year. And when I decided to tune into the red carpet, I'd missed most of it and what I was able to see was a bore. But, apparently I missed Halle! And yes, she wins - as always!

photo: Getty

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Mischo Beauty School: Haircuts 101

I continue to receive the same question with regards to how to go about achieving a great haircut. It's actually a perfect time to revisit this topic- with the arrival of Spring in a few weeks, it's a great time to consider reinventing your look!

And just so you know, every haircut is made up of a combination of basic techniques used to create varying shapes and effects on the hair. Before having your haircut, I recommend the following:

- Consultation with stylist (discuss face shape, hair texture and lifestyle)
- Review haircut pictures with stylist
- Consider home maintenance requirements

Taking the above into consideration will ensure that you and the stylist agree on the best direction and that the stylist has adequate information to achieve the desired end result. Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions. Oh, and I'd love to hear your haircut stories! Love your hair.

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Mischo Beauty Pick: Oribe Hair Care

If you love hair as much as I do, then you know who Oribe is, right? And if you don't, Google him now! His new range of hair care products cover the spectrum of hair types and needs and are available here.

Disclosure: Products in this post were provided for consideration by the company. For more information, please see my disclosure.

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Mischo Beauty Challenge Update: "A Healthy, Sexy & Beautiful 2011"

This is my weekly check-in to find out how you all are doing! Three months into the new year, and yes, it gets rough around this time. Oh, and let's not talk about the cold weather we've had on the east coast! It makes you want to seriously stay in and hibernate. I'll have to admit that I've been bored with my food choices as of late (like the salads - pictured above- I have for lunch everyday). So, I've got to get creative and plan ahead to allow more variety when it comes to my food choices. Also, March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month and I want to encourage you to take a look at the link and pass it on!

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