Mischo Beauty School: Serums 101

After using Nude Skincare's Advanced Cellular Renewal Serum for the past few weeks and loving it, I thought it would only be appropriate to remind you of the many benefits of serums. And yes, you really should consider incorporating one into your skincare regimen!

A serum is simply a highly concentrated treatment of active ingredients used to penetrate and treat various skin conditions such as dehydration, stress, environmental damage, fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation issues or loss of elasticity.

They're usually made up of vitamins, lipids or antioxidants and are usually the consistency of a thin liquid. To allow for maximum penetration into the skin, they're formulated with smaller molecules which make them extremely effective. They can be used both day and night and are usually applied under a moisturizer, but can be used alone. During a facial an esthetician might apply a serum under your mask or before the application of your moisturizer, depending on your specific skincare needs.

So, do you need a serum? Well, I would suggest following a consistent skincare regimen first. Once you're consistent with your regimen, really begin to pay attention to your skin and make note- for example- of dehydrated areas, loss of elasticity and dullness. If your skincare regimen doesn't correct these issues, then I'd highly suggest investing in a serum!
Please feel free to e-mail me with questions! Love your skin.

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Mischo Beauty Challenge Update: "A Healthy, Sexy & Beautiful 2010"

I'm quickly checking in to find out how everyone is doing with the challenge. I would love to hear your updates! I was reading Kimberly Snyder's blog, which I'm addicted to, last week and decided to order the Chlorella tablets pictured above. After learning that Chlorella contains 92 trace minerals, vitamins, glycolipids, phycocyanin, sulfolips, carotenoids and so much more - I thought they would be good to keep around. I'm not crazy about the taste as of yet, but I'll let you know more in about a week or so...

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Ask Mischo Beauty...

This week's question comes from Kim (The Stylish Life), who asked the following:

"What are the best hair color brands and techniques for women that relax their hair? Can you relax and color during the same salon visit? I want something that lasts, but not a permanent dye job. And definitely something that won't dry my hair out. Thanks."

First and foremost, if your hair is strong enough to withstand two chemical services, then make it a priority to see a stylist who is highly skilled and knowledgeable. Also, because your hair will be chemically processed twice, you should consider using a mild relaxer.

Now, it is possible to relax and color your hair during the same salon visit, but only if you're using a semi-permanent haircolor. If you choose to relax, and must use permanent haircolor, then you should wait two weeks after relaxing before coloring your hair. And if you're doing it yourself, make sure you READ THE MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTIONS!

Permanent haircolor is the longest-lasting haircolor. It only needs to be reapplied once your new growth starts to show at your roots. Semi-permanent haircolor partially penetrates the hair shaft and slowly fades with shampooing. It will usually only last for about 6-8 shampoos. And demi-permanent haircolor, which actually does penetrate the hair shaft, lasts a little longer than semi-permanent haircolor, but it will also eventually fade over time with multiple shampoos.

It's also important to remember that if you choose to relax color-treated hair, you really need to make sure you're following a consistent haircare regimen. Incorporate both deep conditioning and protein treatments. Also, limit thermal styling, which includes the use of curling irons, flat irons and blow dryers.

Lastly, every stylist has a "favorite" haircolor brand and will hopefully use what's appropriate based on their client's haircare needs. I hope this helps! Please stop back by and let us know how you choose to move forward, as well as what works for you. Love your hair.

If you have beauty questions you'd like answered, please send them to mischobeauty@gmail.com.

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Mischo Beauty Giveaway Winner: Marc Jacobs Daisy Pop Art

And so without further delay, I'm happy to announce that the winner is:

andrea f

A very special thank you to everyone who entered!

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The Flashing Lights of Times Square and a Hair Rules 'First'

Curly girls, stand up! Those sexy spirals are now in the spotlight in Times Square, thanks to the texture mavens at Hair Rules. A virtual lacefront over 7th Avenue and 48th Street, the billboard is the brand's first in the famous New York City district. The ad's model is none other than Hair Rules co-founder, Kara Georgiopoulos. Anthony Dickey (the other half of the co-founding equation) styled her flowing hair with products from the Hair Rules collection of blowout products. I was thrilled to party in celebration of their great accomplishment at the Renaissance Hotel's Vivid Lounge.

Lots of gorgeous and a number of famous faces were on hand at the November 22nd soiree, including Russell Simmons, Veronica Webb and Annabella Sciorra. Even more impressive than the interestingly mixed crowd, was the hair on the Hair Rules Makeover contest winners. Who needs to look up to a billboard when evidence of Dickey and Company's styling genius walks the streets among us? Nyree Emory (below, on left) of Chocolate Cake Radio, is one of the lucky ladies made over by Dickey and sported her new and gorgeous 'do at the event. Amusingly, she was just as amazed as the rest of us were with her hair's transformation from very dark, dark brown with less curl definition into a medium brown and golden-tinged vibrant curly halo with a knack for snatching folk's attention. It looked good enough to be in an ad of its own. Personally, I would LOVE to see a second, curlier/kinkier billboard some time in the future!

I'm not sure how many times I tooted the Hair Rules horn in my first post about their blowout line, but I am surely tooting away now! The styling and the products are consistently excellent, whether curly or straight, and I am determined to go in and let them take a scissor-stab at my big ole pouf and see what transpires. Stay tuned! -Zee

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Mischo Beauty: Beauty (Bloggers) for Good

A calm mind, a peaceful home and the ability to take good care of yourself and the people you love -- that is the foundation of the best kind of beauty there is, and we all deserve it. This Thanksgiving season, Shannon of "A Girl's Gotta Spa", has organized Beauty (Bloggers) for Good, a consortium of beauty bloggers committed to bringing some feel-good spirit to women who are re-building their lives after domestic abuse by donating beauty products from their abundant coffers to local women's shelters right on time for the holiday season.

Empowering women to be their most beautiful selves is at the heart of Mischo Beauty's mission, and we are a proud participant in this project. We have chosen My Sister's Place (MSP) as our partner shelter. MSP provides safe and confidential emergency shelter, transitional housing, supportive programs, counseling, education and advocacy for battered women and their children.

Cosmetics and personal care items are seemingly small things in a woman's life that have the power to boost confidence, brighten a smile and compliment the most beautiful part of each of us, which lies beneath the skin. Sharing products is hopefully also spreading this boost and inspiring another step forward in a woman's life.

Please visit the My Sister's Place website to find out more about the important work that they do and to find out how you can help.

Here's a list of other beauty bloggers participating in this project:

A Girl's Gotta Spa!
Beautiful Makeup Search
Beauty Blogging Junkie
Beauty Junkies Unite
Mischo Beauty
Product Girl
Retrodiva's Beauty
The Product Pasha

Keep shining! -Zee

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Mischo Beauty Loves Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Pure Shine No. 34 - Metallic Gold Lipstick & Golden Gloss No. 36 - Golden Chocolate Lip Gloss

I've been wearing this lipstick (Rouge Pure Shine No. 34 - Metallic Gold) for a few weeks now and yes it's metallic gold (second photo below), but it wears very sheer. It looks amazing with my haircolor, and I love that it's buildable. But my favorite look (third photo below) is layering the lipstick above with Yves Saint Laurent's Golden Gloss No. 36 - Golden Chocolate. The gloss layers nicely, isn't sticky and is full of shimmer, shine and sparkles. So, what do you think?

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Mischo Beauty Loves Yves Saint Laurent 2010 Holiday Makeup Collection

You all know how much I love Yves Saint Laurent beauty, so it's only natural that I share my favorites from the Holiday 2010 collection. Available in stores now, the collection is full of golds, shimmer and lots of shine - all of which are exactly what you need for the holidays. My personal favorites from this collection include the Touche D'or, which is a face highlighter I've been using just above the apples of my cheeks for a subtle glow. And because I've always been a lipstick girl (my preference is lipstick over lip gloss), I'm loving Rouge Pure Shine No. 34 - Metallic Gold lipstick which looks amazing with my haircolor! I've been layering it with Golden Gloss No. 36 - Golden Chocolate lip gloss, and the look is sexy!

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Mischo Beauty Loves Darphin's Iris Firming Booster Facial (ISPA 2010)

Darphin, a leader in the professional skincare industry, is best known for high-performance, anti-aging results through customized treatments, products and unique application techniques. After visiting their booth during the ISPA Conference & Expo , I was given the opportunity to experience their Iris Firming Booster facial. The 60 minute treatment included cleansing, toning, exfoliation, a lymphatic massage and mask treatment.

But, the highlight of the facial was the new Predermine Firming Wrinkle Repair Serum which was used under the mask and before the application of the moisturizer. This new serum works to diminish fine lines and wrinkles, and is most importantly used for prevention. And lucky for me, I was given a bottle to take home because of course your at-home skincare regimen is always the key to maintaining a professional skincare treatment!

Disclosure: Products in this post were provided for consideration by the company. For more information, please see my disclosure.

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Mischo Beauty Challenge Update: "A Healthy, Sexy & Beautiful 2010"

Those amazing shoes I told you all about last week - the ones I loved so much- well, they were returned this weekend. After giving myself a week to break them in, and subsequently losing the skin on the back of my left ankle because of them- I couldn't take them back soon enough! I've now settled on a pair of Nike Structure 13- Bowerman Series (what I had before), so I have no issues. And as you can see (photo below), the Nike + iPod Sport Kit wireless sensor fits perfectly inside the sole of the shoe. I'm now happy again! Please update me on your progress in the comments section.

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Ask Mischo Beauty...

This week's question comes from Naomi, who asked the following:

"I am 41 and noticing a major change in my skin, especially under and around the eyes. I work long hours and travel for work pretty frequently. Can you recommend some steps I could take and a good line of all natural products for fighting wrinkles and dark, puffy eyes? Thank you!"

First and foremost, I'd recommend adopting a consistent skincare regimen. Here are ten easy steps:

1. Cleanse morning & night (never go to bed without removing makeup and cleansing your face!)

2. Tone after cleansing (both morning & night)

3. Use a moisturizer with a minimum of SPF 15 during the day! (90% of aging is caused by UV rays; UVB rays burn the skin and UVA rays age the skin!)

4. Use a night cream with antioxidants before bed

5. Use an eye cream both morning and night under your moisturizer (this is a preventive measure; signs of aging show first around the eyes, forehead, mouth, neck and hands)

6. Exfoliate 2x a week (helps with cell turnover and with the penetration of product ingredients into the skin)

7. Use a mask 2x a week (many, many benefits!)

8. Take a multi-vitamin daily and drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water daily

9. Eat fresh green vegetables at least 3x a week

10. Make sure you're getting adequate sleep!

I can't stress enough the importance of sleep! So, I'll say it again- make sure you're getting adequate sleep. Lastly, I'd like to encourage you to consider adding monthly facials to your skincare regimen. Not only are facials relaxing and pampering, but they assist with cell renewal, detoxification and the correction of existing skin conditions - plus much more! And, to answer your question regarding suggested natural skincare lines - here are a few you should consider:

- Baborganic
- Juice Beauty
- Dr. Hauschka
- Jurlique
- Weleda
- Caudalie

I hope this helps. Please stop back by and let us know how it's going for you! And as always, please feel free to send me any additional questions you might have. Love your skin.

If you have beauty questions you'd like answered, please send them to mischobeauty@gmail.com.

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What's new at Shiseido for Spring 2011?

Shiseido has got a new pop-up shop in town (it closes today), and I had a chance to visit and get a sneak peek of their Spring 2011 collection. With its long history in the beauty industry, the company shows a commitment to evolving its products with the changing needs of the modern woman. If you've been a fan in the past, you will surely be excited by their new products and the improvements to old favorites.

Among the products which really caught my eye is the Body Creator Aromatic Sculpting Gel, which claims to burn fat cells and reduce the appearance of cellulite. The formula for the gel has been updated and now includes a plant sculpting complex designed to break down fat storing cells while promoting collagen production and suppressing the accumulation of fat. Are you giving it the side-eye as I was? Well, it was first released seven years ago and has a tried-and-true fan base, making it a consistent brand favorite. Does that mean it works? I am not sure, but have any of you tried it? Let me know if you have!

What else is new for Spring? There is a Refining Body Exfoliator; Replinishing Body Cream; Shiseido Benefiance WrinkleResist 24, a preventative and restorative line targeted at women in their 40s; and the Urban Environment UV Protection Cream. Facial sunscreen has always been a hard find for me due to my sensitive skin, but I decided to give this 35 SPF cream a try and miracle of miracles, it has not caused any allergic reaction thus far. This, combined with the fact that the cream is easy to rub in and absorbs quickly, excites my picky face!

The makeup on offer includes the Smoothing Lip Pencil and the new Shimmering Rouge -- a line of lipsticks in 13 shimmerific colors (I am crushing on "Sizzle" which is a vibrant coral) plus an ingredient that works on eradicating the fine lines around your lips. I am an enemy of those fine lines, so any opponent of them is a friend of mine! There is the Perfect Refining Foundation, whose darkest color, Deep Ochre, is my closest match, so know that if you are a woman of color deeper than Deep Ochre, Shiseido is not the place to go for foundation. Browner-skinned women may also find their Translucent Pressed Powder to be less than translucent. You may fare better with the bronzers, available in Dawn Light (light), Desert Rose (medium) and Dusk (dark), which are low on shimmer but high on color and warmth. I have been using the Dusk bronzer and love the boost it gives my face.

My favorite makeup item of the day was the Luminizing Satin Eye Color Trio, available in three new shades. I have been using the "Bouquet" trio like it is going out of style! It is a purple-violet palette that has pretty good staying power, although you will have to re-touch at least once during the length of a work day. The intensity of color is worth the extra bit of work though, for sure. "Voyage," a trio of golden earth tones, and "Punky Blues," which mixes blues with a pretty pink, are also new and full of pop.

Spring is in the air! -Zee

Disclosure: Products in this post were provided for consideration by the company. For more information, please see my disclosure.

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Mischo Beauty Loves Clarisea Salt Scrub (ISPA 2010)

Because I love sharing the "wonders of exfoliation" (yes, I believe in exfoliation) it was only natural that I visited Clarisea's booth while at the ISPA expo. Believe it or not, I'd never heard of Clarisea, which was created to treat acneic skin types/conditions - both face and body. Now I don't have issues with acne, but I can appreciate the benefits of a great scrub for the body, so I decided to give the Body Scrub a try. I applied it to my dry skin before showering (for a more thorough exfoliation), and followed it with my body wash and a creamy body butter. I was more than pleased with my results!

Disclosure: Products in this post were provided for consideration by the company. For more information, please see my disclosure.

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Mischo Beauty Review: CND Shellac Manicure (ISPA 2010)

While attending the ISPA expo last Wednesday, I was happy - no actually too excited to learn that CND (Creative Nail Design) had nail stylists in attendance giving complimentary CND Shellac manicures! Now I know I'm late with this- the buzz around this new technology started months ago. But, better late than never, right? So the big deal is that the "Shellac" technology combines that of a regular manicure with that of a gel manicure to produce a Shellac manicure which lasts 14 days. So it's not actually a gel manicure, but wears like a gel manicure.

During the application (I choose the color "Fedora"), each layer of polish is set under a UV lamp, so there's no drying time. Did the manicure last for me? No. I received the manicure last Wednesday (November 17th) and by yesterday (November 21st), two fingers on each hand had lifted and started peeling (see photo above). It was a 5 day manicure for me. And I won't begin to speculate on why it didn't last - was it the application? or maybe a lotion I used that caused it to lift and peel? I'm not sure. But, I'd love to know if you've tried it and how long it lasted for you...

Disclosure: Products in this post were provided for consideration by the company. For more information, please see my disclosure.

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Mischo Beauty Pick: Kérastase Paris Elixir Ultime Hair Oil (ISPA 2010)

Last Wednesday, I was given the opportunity to attend the ISPA Conference & Expo. And for those unfamiliar with ISPA, it's an organization created to advance the spa industry by providing educational and networking opportunities, promoting the value of the spa experience and speaking as the authoritative voice to foster professionalism and growth. If you follow me on Twitter, then you know my time spent at the conference was filled attending professional development seminars, networking, learning about the latest spa trends and of course, new product launches.

And speaking of new product launches, while attending the expo I was introduced to Kerastase' Elixir Ultime - yes, Kerastase finally has a hair oil! The Elixir Ultime is formulated with four oils - Maize, Pracaxi, Camellia and Argan. And what I'm loving most is that this formulation allows the oil to be used as a pre-poo treatment (you all know how much I love those treatments!), leave-in treatment, blow dry serum and for finishing. Sounds like a must-have, right?

If you're tried this, please share your thoughts with us!

Disclosure: Products in this post were provided for consideration by the company. For more information, please see my disclosure.

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Mischo Beauty Giveaway: Marc Jacobs Daisy Pop Art

Because I loved Marc Jacobs Daisy Pop Art so much, I'd love for you to try it and let me know your thoughts! To enter this giveaway, simply leave a comment below telling me what your favorite post is on this blog, and why. This giveaway is open until next Wednesday, November 24th (11:59pm). A winner will be chosen at random and must contact me within 24 hours of the announcement. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

Disclosure: Products in this post were provided for consideration by the company. For more information, please see my disclosure.

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Mischo Beauty Challenge Update: "A Healthy, Sexy & Beautiful 2010"

In keeping everyone updated, I bought new running shoes this weekend and couldn't wait to show them! The pair I took home with me were the Adrenaline GTS 11 by Brooks (photo above) and so far they seem to be the perfect combination between cushioning and support. I also picked up a little pouch to hold my Nike + iPod Sport Kit wireless sensor. I love it because it easily attaches to my shoelaces, and I'm still able to track my workouts. I'm saying goodbye to my Nike's (photo below), which always felt like heaven and never let me down. But, I decided not to purchase another pair, because once I compared them to the Adrenaline GTS 11, there was no comparison!

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Ask Mischo Beauty...

I'm starting a new series on the blog where I'm inviting readers to send me their beauty questions. If you follow me on Twitter, then you know that the invitation already exists there (I tweet it daily!) and so naturally it should exist here as well. And so this week's question comes from a follower on Twitter, who says:

"My hair is damaged really bad from all the times I bleached and dyed it. What can I use on it?"

Well I'd first suggest stepping away from the bleach and haircolor. Your hair needs a serious break! A series of deep conditioning protein treatments, along with very special care and attention, should have your hair back to health in no time. In case you didn't know, hair is 91% protein (which is it's foundation) and so protein conditioning treatments will help to rebuild and strengthen the hair's structure. When using a protein treatment, be sure to follow the manufacturer's directions - overuse could result in breakage. A few of my favorite protein treatments include:

- Wella Power Mask
- Aveda Damage Remedy
- MoroccanOil's Restorative Mask
- Joico K-PAK
- Kerastase Voile Nuit or Serum Nuit

Also, be sure to follow the protein treatments with a moisturizing conditioner - your hair will appreciate all the hydration it can get! When your hair is back to health, trade the protein treatments in for moisturizing treatments and establish a healthy haircare regimen. Oh, and I'd suggest staying away from heat styling (flat irons, curling irons, blow dryers, etc.) for as long as you're able. I hope this helps. Please stop back by and let us know how it's going! Love your hair.

If you have beauty questions you'd like answered, please send them to mischobeauty@gmail.com.

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Mischo Beauty Alert: Shiseido NYC Limited Edition Beauty Boutique Opening

I wanted to make sure you all knew about this, because it won't be open for long. From November 12th -19th, Shiseido Cosmetics America will open it's first-ever pop-up beauty boutique to showcase it's Fall and holiday makeup and skincare collections. Guests are invited to sample the collections and receive signature Shiseido services.

Additional offerings include gift cards for complimentary facial massage treatments at Bloomingdales Shiseido counter (59th Street location) and deluxe samples of signature Shiseido skincare and makeup products. Be sure to make note of the following details:

When: November 12 - 19, 2010; from 11am - 7pm

Where: 989 Third Avenue (at 59th Street) - NYC


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Mischo Beautyliciousness...

The texture of the dress Eva Mendes is wearing above is what caught my eye! I love that it's so effortlessly chic. And her makeup (a makeup- no makeup look with a soft smokey eye) perfectly compliments the overall look...

Do you agree?

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Mischo Beauty School: Hair Porosity 101

I've received a few emails asking me to discuss the reason(s) why hair becomes damaged and dry after certain chemical services. Well, there could quite possibly be hundreds of answers to those questions depending on the history of services performed on the hair, and the home care regimen. I will say that if your hair is damaged and overly dry, then your hair's porosity has probably been compromised.

So, what is porosity? Porosity is simply the ability of the hair to absorb and retain moisture and is used to describe the condition of hair. Generally, it falls into the following categories:

a. Very porous
b. Porous
c. Normal
d. Resistant

A “normal” porosity will mean that the cuticle (outermost layer of the hair shaft) is closed and smooth. Healthy hair will usually have a normal to resistant cuticle, depending on the texture. ”Porous” to “very porous” hair will have a roughened cuticle meaning that the hair is probably damaged. It usually loses moisture very easy and is easily damaged.

To determine the porosity of your hair, feel it - both when it's wet and dry. If it feels like straw and it's rough when it's dry, or if it feels gummy or slightly rubbery when it's wet, then you probably have a problem with porous to very porous hair. You should definitely talk to your stylist before receiving any chemical services in order to prevent further damage. Haircolor, perms and relaxers will process much faster on porous to very porous hair and may cause even more damage.

Porous to very porous hair can be caused by:

1. Over coloring
2. Bleaching
3. Permanent Waving
4. Relaxing
5. Flat/curling irons
6. Improper blow-drying
7. Environment (sun, salt/chlorinated water)

I hope this gives everyone a little more insight into the hair's porosity. Please feel free to e-mail me with more questions! Love your hair.

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Sam Fine's Top Makeup Tips and Duane Reade's Look Boutique

Picture it with me... Duane Reade as a beauty lovers/product junkie's paradise. Having a hard time? So did I, but then I had a chance to check out the Look Boutique, a specialized section of Duane Reade, and found that such a place really does exist.

The Look Boutique is the store's economical answer to Sephora. It features high and low end beauty products, with everything from $31 Rilastil mascara to $1.99 Sinful nail polishes (both of which lit my fire). With a staff of freelance makeup, eyebrow and nail artists on the ready, this is an extra convenient one-stop shop for women (and men) on the go. Sam Fine, expert makeup artist to celebrities such as Iman, Tyra and Jennifer Hudson, gave a group of us lucky ladies a guided tour. While pointing out some of his favorite products (L'Oreal Voluminous Mascara, Iman Bronzer in Afterglow and Luxury Pressed Powder, Maybelline Brow Pencil, Covergirl Outlast Lipstick and Covergirl Lashblast Fusion Mascara), he also picked up a couple items to take home (Black Opal Patent Lip Liquid Lipstick, I believe in Violine and Maybelline Falsies Mascara for a first run).

Instead of giving product must-haves, Sam preferred to stress that "makeup is a personality," and encouraged us all to get to know our faces more intimately and use that knowledge to find products which best compliment our individual features. Each of us, he is convinced, is only one product away from upping our makeup game and giving better face. So, identify one product that you are not using and experiment with it. And remember that concealer is for highlighting, powder is for setting, bronzer is for adding luminosity and eye shadow is for giving those gorgeous eyes definition.

More sage advice from the master:

  • Foundation is like an undergarment. Make sure your face is smoothly finished and then build with more detail.
  • Look for lipsticks that tout being highly-pigmented or long-lasting and then start thinking about your color choice.
  • Waterproof mascara builds faster than regular mascara.
  • Felt tip liquid liners are best for beginners and those who want to get close to the lash line with fewer mistakes. Liquid liner with a brush is great for those with a steady hand who love to rock the thicker line of a 60s-inspired eye.
  • Shop like a makeup artist. Don't get stuck on one brand for all products. Just because you loved a brand's foundation, does not mean that their powder best suits your complexion. Mix and match!
  • Do not be thrown off by the terminology - a concealer is a dense foundation. Switch between creme and liquid foundations and concealer depending upon the kind of coverage you seek.
  • Men can also wear makeup without looking made up. A primer can be used as a moisturizing base, followed by powder for an almost bare finish.

If you could ask Sam Fine any question, what would it be? Post your questions in the comments section and we will ask Mr. Fine himself and share the answers in an upcoming post.

All the best, Lovelies! - Zee

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Mischo Beauty Challenge Update: "A Healthy, Sexy & Beautiful 2010"

So I'm checking in, as promised! I wanted to let everyone know that I've recently started working out in the morning, which is so much better then the evenings. I don't consider myself a "morning person", so it's been a challenge. But, I feel amazing afterward, which is why I'm going to continue to push myself . Oh, and I'm still drinking tons of water (from a reusable water bottle, of course!), and wanted to encourage you to get in at least 96 ounces a day.

Are you with me? Let me know!

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Mischo Beauty Loves Scents By Luxe "Ginger Peach" Soy Candle

This candle smells all kinds of A-MAZ-ING! The scent travels from room to room, and I must admit, I can't get enough of it. It's also available in a "White Tea" fragrance. To learn more, please visit Lux Boutique.

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Mischo Beauty Alert: PHYTO Friends & Family Sale

You all know how much I love all things Phyto, right?! Remember this post - three years ago? Or, how about the blowout my beauty editor received here? Well Phyto is offering 30% - 40% off of your favorite products starting November 15th - November 17th. For access to the sale, you must use this link!

What are your favorite Phyto products?

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Covergirl Queen Collection Natural Hue Concealer and Queen Latifah's U.N.I.T.Y. Reignited Web Series

While awaiting the premiere of the U.N.I.T.Y Reignited web series at the Tribeca Grand Hotel on Wednesday night, celebrity makeup artist Sam Fine worked his magic with a palette of new Natural Hue Concealers from the Covergirl Queen Collection and soon-to-be-released Lip Perfection Lipsticks (showcasing department store formulations and prestige packaging). The Covergirl collection at Walmart is a good place to find beauty products. He provided color matches along the spectrum of the four concealer shades available and shared that, if you use nothing else, a concealer is a must! Hmmmm, perhaps I should add a concealer to my complicated regimen of tinted moisturizer, mascara and lip color? Obviously, I have not perfected my canvas as a bona fide makeup artist would do, but, I am up for the challenge! After trying out the concealer, I found that it does dry to a powdery finish, as promised, and the coverage is quite sheer - just the way I like it. Sam's advice? Layer, layer, layer until you find the coverage that works for you. Two was my magic number.

The joy of the evening was the sneak peak at the U.N.I.T.Y. Reignited web series, in its entirety. The series is an introduction to the five finalists who were hand-picked by Latifah, as well as a short testament to the journey of some of the most important women in hip hop. The featured MCs are Queen Latifah, MC Lyte, Yo Yo and Rage (and the crowd roared! Yo Yo? Rage?? Where the hell have you been? So great to see you!). Make sure you visit Covergirl's Facebook fan page and check out the installments as they are released weekly. Also check the site to score a free download of the updated "U.N.I.T.Y." -- can you believe it's been 15 years since the song's release?

After watching the series and meeting four of the five young ladies, I rode home with a refreshed and deepened faith in the commitment of our youngest generation of women to positive change for the whole of humanity. That young women are self-aware and community-minded is not a surprise (spoken like a true Spelman College graduate - LOL). I just love a good public reminder, especially given the negative images of us that abound in the media. These ladies (the youngest is 15) speak and rhyme thoughtfully and with their eyes on the prize. My favorite is Christel - that girl is nasty as she wants to be - in the very best of ways.

All hail the five finalists... and the Queen who brought them all together! -Zee

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Mischo Beauty School: Nail Shape 101

I'll be the first to admit that while I loved the bright, neon and pastel nail colors for the spring/summer, I couldn't wait to start wearing chocolate, burgundy and deep blue & green nail shades for the fall/winter. With that said, let's discuss how to choose a nail shape before your manicure appointment.

Here are a few things to consider:

1. The shape of your hands
2. The length of your fingers
3. The shape of your cuticles
4. The type of work you do

I was always taught (well I learned this in cosmetology school, during the nail curriculum!) that the shape of your nail should mirror the shape of your cuticles. This will ensure the most natural look, which in turn compliments your hands. And believe it or not- here are the most requested shapes:

1. Square Nail
2. Round Nail
3. Oval Nail
4. Squoval Nail
5. Pointed Nail

Keep in mind that an unusual shape will definitely draw attention to your nails and hands. And, if you work with your hands, you should definitely choose a shape that will allow for a shorter nail length in order to avoid breakage.

Questions? What's your nail shape and why? Love your nails.

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Mischo Beauty Extra: Sally Hansen's Fall 2010 Complete Salon Manicure Collection

I'll be the first to admit that while I do like Sally Hansen nail polish, I normally won't bother with trying to hunt down the newest collections. The reason being is that the displays (at least in the CVS stores near where I live) are always a mess! Yes, I said it. But, in the same breath, I will tell you that the new fall Complete Salon Manicure collection is definitely worth the hunt. The shades (left to right: Starry Starry Flight, Sequin Scandal, Golden Ticket, Downtown Rubies, Perfect Match, Feeling Saucy, Rockstar Candy & Trouble Maker) are all highly pigmented- and two coats will get the job done! My favorite - hands down- is Sequin Scandal which is a dark forest/army green mixed with gold. I tweeted this photo earlier today, and here are a few more.

Disclosure: Products in this post were provided for consideration by the company. For more information, please see my disclosure.

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Mischo Beauty: Avon Advance Techniques Frizz Control Collection

I spent this past weekend in sunny Sarasota, Florida attending my friend's lux wedding at the Ritz-Carlton. She'd given me the heads-up about the wedding being held outside on the hotel's lawn, and so I thought what better time to try Avon's new Advance Techniques Frizz Control collection - especially since Tippi Shorter, Avon Global Stylist Advisor, recommended it! I left 45/50 degree weather last Friday and landed in 85 degrees, plus humidity and I knew my type 4, texturized layers wouldn't make it through the weekend without help! Well, based on my hair's condition and needs, this collection didn't quite do the job. As you can see below, my hair was flat by the end of the wedding ceremony and we had a whole day left of festivities! Oh well, I guess you win some and the rest- you just go with the flow and enjoy....

Disclosure: Products in this post were provided for consideration by the company. For more information, please see my disclosure.

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