Mischo Beauty: National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month and two very special people in my life, who are breast cancer survivors, have inspired me to get involved and raise awareness. Here's what I plan to do:

TotalBeauty.com's "Total Beauty, Total Cure Campaign": Over the course of the month I will be posting educational information on breast cancer and I will host a giveaway on October 29th.

The Beauty Blog Network's "Comments 4 A Cure": My goal is to raise $1 per comment left on my blog during October 14th - 16th.

Mischo Beauty runs on nikeplus.com: I've created a public challenge called "Mischo Beauty Runs for a Cure" (please feel free to join!) on nikeplus.com and my goal is to run 150 miles (4.84 miles a day) during the month of October and raise $1 for each mile I run. Wow.

As you can see, my goal is to raise $200 which will be given to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Please join me in raising money for a cure by making your donation using the ChipIn widget on the right sidebar. Or you may donate through PayPal by using this email address: mischobeauty@gmail.com. Thank you.




Anonymous said...

Thank you for all you are doing to make a difference. I am a survivor because of BCRF programs at Dana Farber and the commtment and passion of amazing people like you. Thank you. KNT

October 1, 2008 at 9:28 AM
Mischo Beauty said...

To Kristen Thibeault: This is the very least I can do; and it truly warms my heart to know that the BCRF has helped you with your battle. I wish you continued blessings.

October 1, 2008 at 1:06 PM

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