Mischo Beauty School: Hair Relaxers 101

Let's understand the difference between "lye" and "no lye" relaxers. Relaxers break certain chemical bonds in the hair so that they can't reform. This simply means that hair that was once curly, is now permanently straightened and certain relaxers use "lye" to break these bonds. "Lye" is a very strong chemical base that will burn your skin and damage your hair if not used correctly. With "no lye" relaxers, another chemical is used in the place of lye and is considered a medium strength base. Research has shown that the use of "no lye" relaxers results in less scalp irritation, but the same safety rules apply. Both types of relaxers will burn your scalp if used incorrectly and it's wrong to assume that compared to "lye" relaxers, "no lye" relaxers take the worry out of straightening your hair. Both types of relaxers contain caustic chemicals.

If you choose to apply your own relaxer, please ask for help! You aren't able to see and reach the top and back of your hair and this could lead to an improper application of the relaxer. Also, making sure that the relaxer is thoroughly rinsed can be a challenge. Relaxers should be used according to the manufacturer's directions, left on no longer than the suggested time, carefully washed out with neutralizing shampoo, and followed up with regular conditioning.

Any questions? Love your hair.

Please share your relaxer stories!



Kim {The Stylish Life} said...

Great and informative post! I get a relaxer every 7 to 8 weeks at the salon. My stylist uses Affirm Dry & Itchy Scalp Relaxer. My scalp is very sensitive and this is the only relaxer that doesn't cause any burning or tingling. This product gives me great results.

June 17, 2008 at 5:27 PM
Mischo Beauty said...

To Kim: Good for you! Sounds like your hair is in great hands! I've used Affirm over the years and I've had great results as well. :)

June 17, 2008 at 5:59 PM
beautylogicblog said...

I can't wait till you open your beauty school. I'll enroll. Hugs, De

June 17, 2008 at 7:01 PM
Mischo Beauty said...

To "Dominican Enigma": Awwwww- thank you! And neither can I! It's coming!!!!! :)

June 18, 2008 at 8:16 AM
Amee said...

You are a wealth of knowledge!! I need you working on my mop girl!!

June 19, 2008 at 1:16 AM
Mischo Beauty said...

To Amee: LOL! I just want you all to have sexy, healthy, and beautiful hair...that's all- LOL! :)

June 19, 2008 at 1:39 PM

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