Mischo Beauty School: Bikini Waxing 101

This lesson was inspired by the many questions I’ve received over the past few days regarding waxing, specifically bikini waxing. Waxing is simply a form of epilation which removes hair by pulling it out of the hair follicle. Because hair is removed from the hair follicle, it takes longer to grow back- generally 4-6 weeks.

Below I’ve listed my best tips on how to prepare for waxing and what to expect:

1. Your hair should be at least a 1/4 to 1/2 inch long, if longer, prepare to have it trimmed by
your esthetician.

2. Plan to wax after your menstrual cycle because your body will be less sensitive.

3. Lightly exfoliate a few days before waxing to remove dead skin cells and make hair easier to
adhere to the wax.

4. A Brazilian bikini wax involves the removal of all hair, except for a “landing strip” in the front,
but you may choose to have it all removed.

5. Your esthetician will tweeze stray hairs.

6. It may take 24 hours for any redness or soreness to disappear. During that time, avoid the
sun, exfoliation, cream irritants and excessive heat.

7. Try to avoid caffeine, alcohol and aspirin before waxing as these heighten sensitivity.

8. If the wax pot is dirty and has old wax on it and a spatula sitting in the wax- RUN! There may
be sanitation issues.

9. If your esthetician “double-dips” the spatula in the wax pot each time wax is applied to the
area to be waxed- RUN! There are definitely sanitation issues.

10. Do not wax if you use Accutane, Retin-A, are sunburned, using other topical AHA's, or
medications that will make your skin reactive to waxing.

11. Do not wax if you have diabetes. You are more vulnerable to infection.

12. You must wax consistently every 4 - 6 weeks for the first few times. This will give your hair
time to begin growing on the same hair cycle. Don’t shave in between waxing appointments.

13. Resume exfoliation about 3 days after waxing to ensure the removal of dead skin cells, which,
if not removed, could cause the hair to grow inward resulting in ingrown hairs.

Love your skin. Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions.



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