Mischo Beauty Pick: Crabtree & Evelyn's Aromatherapy Distillations Revitalizing Body Care

As of late, I've been using Crabtree & Evelyn's Revitalizing Skin Conditioning Body Wash and the Revitalizing Body Polisher as my morning pick-me-up! My body is still recovering from all the miles I ran back in October, and I told my acupuncturist that I would listen to my body and give it a break. So though my workouts haven't been as rigorous in the evenings, my mornings have still been slow moving.

Well Crabtree & Evelyn's new Aromatherapy Distillations Collection includes The Revitalizing Range (which I'm using) and it's a "clear, crisp blend of Eucalyptus & Lime, grapefruit and rosemary essential oils helps clear the senses and uplifts the spirit while botanicals of seaweeds, cucumber, lemongrass and sea salts help cleanse and clarify your skin". Sounds divine doesn't it? Well, it's perfect for a cold winter morning, after a night of working out!



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