Mischo Beauty Pick: Lancome's Hydra-Intense Masque & Pure Empreinte Masque

If you follow me on Twitter, you know that I gave myself an amazing mini-facial last night! Mini-facials, like facials, are my "essential beauty product"- they're vital to maintaining my skin's health in between facial appointments.

And so the steps are simply:

- Cleanse
- Tone
- Steam
- Exfoliate
- Tone
- Mask
- Tone
- Moisturize

I used a regimen of Lancome products and was impressed with the Pure Empreinte Masque, which is a clay mask (setting) used on my oily t-zone. I also loved the Hydra-Intense Masque, which is a hydrating gel mask (non-setting) used on the remaining areas of my face. Due to the fact that I have a combination skin type (an oily t-zone, with at times a dry forehead and cheeks), most times I'll use two masks during my mini-facials.

So there you have it- easy, easy! And seriously easy enough to do weekly! Have you started a mini-facial routine? If so, please tell us about it! If not, why not?



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