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I've moved! Here's where you can now visit me: www.mischobeauty.com


DIY Facial Scrubs

Establishing a consistent skincare regimen can do wonders for the skin. While each step in a regimen is considered equally important, enough cannot be said about the importance of exfoliation. The process of removing the excess accumulation of dead skin cells from the outer most layer of skin is referred to as superficial peeling or exfoliation. It can be accomplished mechanically (microdermabrasion), manually (scrubs), or chemically (peels).

The many benefits of exfoliation include the following:

1. Improves skin texture, hydration and moisture retention.
2. Increases the rate of cell turnover.
3. Improves elastin and collagen production.
4. Reduces fine lines, wrinkles and pigmentation issues.
5. May help control conditions such as acne, hyperpigmentation and eczema.

Though the benefits of exfoliation might be convincing, the beauty budget may dictate otherwise. Here are a few scrubs which can be made from the ingredients found right at home.

Baking Soda Scrub:
Mix 2 to 3 tablespoons of baking soda with water to form a paste. Apply to skin in a gentle circular motion, including the neck and decollete. Rinse, and continue with the remainder of the skincare regimen.

Cornmeal Scrub:
Mix 2 to 3 tablespoons of cornmeal with water to form a paste. Apply to skin in a gentle circular motion, including the neck and decollete. Rinse, and continue with the remainder of the skincare regimen.

Brownsugar Scrub:
Mix 2 to 3 tablespoons of brownsugar with olive oil or coconut oil to form a paste. Apply to skin in a gentle circular motion, including the neck and decollete. Rinse, and contine with the remainder of the skincare regimen.

While the above facial scrubs work with all skin types, it is important to follow the "less is more" rule and apply these scrubs no more than one to two times per week to avoid over-exfoliation. Including this step in your skincare regimen should guarantee improvement in both the health and appearance of your skin.


Mischo Beauty Challenge: "A Healthy, Sexy & Beautiful 2012"

Like I said last year, it's my goal to continue to be a source of motivation and encouragement when it comes to taking care of yourself internally (internal beauty determines outer beauty!) and so I'm continuing the "A Healthy, Sexy & Beautiful 2012" challenge. As Oprah always says "when you know better, you do better". We definitely know better, so let's continue to do better!

As before, I'll provide weekly tips on health, wellness and exercise. Ultimately, each of us will do what works best individually, based on our own needs. First on my agenda is to get a new pair of running shoes! As you all know, I recently had a baby and have been living in the most gorgeous women's flats for the past nine months. I'm looking forward to adding to my shoe wardrobe.

So here are a few items to get you started:

1. Invest in a pedometer and track your steps (so, so easy!). You'll be surprised at how you'll push yourself to get more steps in each day without even realizing it! 7,000-10,000 steps a day are recommended for overall good health.

2. Take a multivitamin daily, and drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water daily.

3. Eat fresh green vegetables at least 3x a week, and make sure you're getting adequate sleep!

4. Check out Kimberly Snyder's blog - it's filled with TONS of great tips and Kimberly is such an inspiration.

5. Yoga = JOY. Let me say that again, Yoga = JOY! If you haven't tried it, you are missing out. Consider joining the 21-day yoga challenge here.

6. Enlist a partner (of course someone who shares the same goals) and hold each other accountable. That pretty much speaks for itself, right? It would be a good idea to invest in an ipod so that working out is easy, I know Best Buy iPods are usually cheap and have free shipping.

And just a reminder- this is not a "weight-loss" challenge, but it is an "inner beauty fitness" challenge. If you're fit internally, then there's no denying it externally! So if you lose weight, and that's your goal, then great. I am not a dietitian, nutritionist, or a medical doctor - so always seek the advice of your doctor!

I'll try to tweet the things I'm doing daily to keep fit and healthy by using the hashtag #HealthySexyBeautiful2012, so feel free to join me in sharing your updates by using it too!

Are you with me? I hope so! Let's get started!


Milly of Beauty Logic joins the CVS Beauty Board!

My girl Milly, over at BeautyLogicBlog.com, has always been a huge supporter of the blog. So, when it was announced that she'd been selected to join the CVS Beauty Board as their Global Beauty Expert, I had to make sure the world knew! It is just amazing how she has become a beauty counselor of women all over the world!

To learn more about Milly, her beauty tips and to see her videos, head over to the CVS Beauty Club Facebook page.

Congrats, Milly!


Mischo Beauty Wishes You a Beautiful Christmas and a Glamorous New Year!

Merry Christmas, everyone! Thank you all so much for your support. I wish you peace, love and happiness during this holiday season.

photo: bellapilar.com